Pro-UFO Presidential Candidate

On page 6 of Jim Moseley's "Saucer Smear" newsletter (dated April 25, 1996--available at, was
this info:

"Our friend Gene Buck, a publicist in Seattle, Washington, is running for President on a pro-UFO sort of ticket. His announcement states: "PRESIDENT BUCK TO OPEN 'AREA 51' AND EXPOSE ALL UFO SECRET FILES; Little green and gray men will be open to scrutiny, as well as old films of alien autopsies; recent sightings of crop circles; alien capture in outer space; files of a sensitive nature having to do with possible infiltration of our society by alien beings; sightings of UFO craft; interviews of alien beings by our interrogators in the military; and any and all 'secret files' of any sort, having to do with UFOs..." ...For more information, write to Gene Buck at P.O. Box 4644, Seattle, WA 98104.

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